This paper presents the results of a study of the C. squamosa group in North and Central America. The group as understood here includes C. squamosa, C. subsoluta, and two new species—C. parviloba and C. phyllidizans. This group is common and variable, and C. squamosa and C. subsoluta have been described several times. Several new synonyms are given and lectotypes are selected for C. irrubescens and C. squamosa. Color photographs and distribution maps are presented along with a discussion of the variability. The most constant features are the subsquamulose thallus and the paraplectenchymatous layer below the hypothecium and in the upper proper margin.
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1 March 2003
The Caloplaca squamosa Group in North and Central America
Clifford M. Wetmore
The Bryologist
Vol. 106 • No. 1
Spring 2003
Vol. 106 • No. 1
Spring 2003